ways to help

We are so SO grateful to every single person who generously donated towards the campaign we started back in 2021 to get Rufus and his carer at the time the ‘bike of dreams’. Amazingly, we reached our target between donations and t-shirt/hoodie sales so we were able to buy Rufus the bike. Sadly, as many of you all know, Rufus and Luke had a horrific accident on the bike shortly after we got it and we eventually received a full refund for the bike. All the money raised is still in a bank account with Rufus’s name on, waiting for the right piece of equipment or experience to use it on. Rest assured we will let you all know what this is when we (or he!) finally make our minds up! We were completely blown away by everyone who stepped up and helped out in this campaign and it is so heartwarming to know how many people have got our backs.

There are always bits and bobs Rufus will need along the way to give him a full, fun and exciting life of adventures so for that reason we will keep this Donations page open for anyone who wants to give a one off gift to Rufus. As a growing boy - as I write he is almost in double digits - there is always a ‘next thing’ that he needs.

Similarly, if you wanted to give a gift to keep this website running then I would love you forever. I don’t get paid for my writing but I do it anyway, now squeezed in between work and parenting because I know how much I would have appreciated coming across it when Rufus was newly diagnosed.

If you want to drop me a line then I’m always just an email away. For the contact page click here.